I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the java.net.* or the android.net.* libraries. Are raw sockets possible on Android?
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Correct, raw sockets are not supported in any Java or Android libraries, in part because (I quote from here):
There are 3rd party libraries like RockSaw or JSocket, however these require compiling C or C++, so you are out of luck there.
Also, I believe you need root access to use raw sockets.
So, with all that, I would say technically it's possible, but not practical at this time.
Why not use Android interprocess comunication, like :
AIDL, Intent, Broadcast etc
See http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals/services.html for example. They use internally raw sockets
As far as I know it's not possible on Android. Not in java nor c/c++ due to security reasons(I guess), the only possible solution would be through some hack with root access. I've been searching for a way as well but never found anything.