I've spent hours scouring the internet for a solution to this problem and can't find anything. I have been trying to write unformatted output to a CSV output file with multiple very long lines of varying length and multiple data types. I'm trying to first write a long header that indicates the variables that will be written below, separated by commas. Then on the lines below that, I am writing the values specified in the header. However, with sequential access, the long output lines are broken into multiple shorter lines, which is not what I was hoping for. I tried controlling the line length using recl in the open statement, but that only added a bunch of garble text and symbol after the output with the same problem still occurring. I also tried using direct access but the lines are not the same length so that would not work either. I've read about using stream i/o in Fortran2003 but I'm using Fortran90, so that won't work either. I am using Fortran 90 with the Plato IDE which uses the FTN95 compiler. I included an example program similar to what I want to do below, using an array and some dummy text, and I've included the output below that illustrating the problem. Anyone know how I can just one line per write statement? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
module types
integer, parameter :: dp=selected_real_kind(15)
end module types
program blah
use types
use inputoutput
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: unitout2=20
real(dp), dimension(100) :: bigArray
do i=1,100
end do
end program
Here's the output for the program above (without recl):
1.00000000000 2.00000000000 3.00000000000 4.00000000000
5.00000000000 6.00000000000 7.00000000000 8.00000000000
9.00000000000 10.0000000000 11.0000000000 12.0000000000
13.0000000000 14.0000000000 15.0000000000 16.0000000000
17.0000000000 18.0000000000 19.0000000000 20.0000000000
21.0000000000 22.0000000000 23.0000000000 24.0000000000
25.0000000000 26.0000000000 27.0000000000 28.0000000000
29.0000000000 30.0000000000 31.0000000000 32.0000000000
33.0000000000 34.0000000000 35.0000000000 36.0000000000
37.0000000000 38.0000000000 39.0000000000 40.0000000000
41.0000000000 42.0000000000 43.0000000000 44.0000000000
45.0000000000 46.0000000000 47.0000000000 48.0000000000
49.0000000000 50.0000000000 51.0000000000 52.0000000000
53.0000000000 54.0000000000 55.0000000000 56.0000000000
57.0000000000 58.0000000000 59.0000000000 60.0000000000
61.0000000000 62.0000000000 63.0000000000 64.0000000000
65.0000000000 66.0000000000 67.0000000000 68.0000000000
69.0000000000 70.0000000000 71.0000000000 72.0000000000
73.0000000000 74.0000000000 75.0000000000 76.0000000000
77.0000000000 78.0000000000 79.0000000000 80.0000000000
81.0000000000 82.0000000000 83.0000000000 84.0000000000
85.0000000000 86.0000000000 87.0000000000 88.0000000000
89.0000000000 90.0000000000 91.0000000000 92.0000000000
93.0000000000 94.0000000000 95.0000000000 96.0000000000
97.0000000000 98.0000000000 99.0000000000 100.000000000
This isn't a problem with the ACCESS used for the file (stream, sequential or direct) - it is a consequence of the format specification that you are using.
Note that you are not doing unformatted output. Formatted versus unformatted is a question of whether the output is intended to be human readable.
The star in the second specifier of the WRITE statement is a specification of list directed formatting. This means that the format used for the output is based on the list of things to be output. Beyond that and a small set of rules in the language for list directed output, you are pretty much leaving the appearance of things up to the Fortran processor (the compiler).
With list directed formatted output the processor is specifically allowed to insert as many records as it sees fit between items. It does that here, quite reasonably, in order to make it easier for people to read the file.
If you want more control over the appearance of your output, then use an explicit format. For example, something like:
might be more appropriate.
(Technically when a sequential file is opened there is a processor defined maximum record length (in the absence of a programmer specified maximum length) that should not be exceeded. Practically, given the way sequential formatted files are stored on disk by nearly all current Fortran compilers, that technicality doesn't cause any problems.)