I have this webpage which shows me some images and some images are on a mouseover event and hence it takes time for them to display. I have worked it around by placing the mouseover image and hidding them through display none property which puts them in browsers cache and display them quickly on mouseover.I was thinking that is it possible to insert the images into cache of a browser by another way like using jQuery or something so i dont have to put images in hidden form.
I dont know if this is a stupid question.
Please comment.
Regards Himanshu Sharma
You can preload images which will cause them to be in the cache so they are available immediately for things like mouse events. See this post for sample code that pre-caches an array of images.
First of all, use sprites for small and/or 'mouseover' images. Also, yes, you can preload images with javascript, but remember about page load sequence, so it might not be faster then css.
You can just use
(new Image).src="http://path/to/img.jpg"
which will make the browser load it