Here is my relevant jQuery code:
$.get('sampleData.csv', function(data) {
var lines = data.split('\r\n');
The first few line of the sampleData.csv file look like this:
I get 2 errors. On the first line of csv file I get the error
syntax error
On the 2nd line of code I get the error
data.split is not a function
What am I doing wrong?
ETA According to the firebug console, the responseText is the following:
ETA I added an alert of the data before I try splitting it into lines, and I get the following:
[Object XMLDocument]
jQuery code:
works until jquery version 1.5.
From version 1.5 callback function in get() method is passed "jqXHR" object, not "XMLHttpRequest" object.
Code can be changed to:
Then it will work.
I believe you misunderstand what jQuery.get() is suppose to be used for.
From it's doc page,
"...Load data from the server using a HTTP GET request...."
Doing a $.get() on a file will not get you that file's data into a structure that can be used. You have to request this through a server which will then provide the .csv data ... it should look something like the following
EDIT:: Since you say the data is being 'loaded' properly, try this fiddle. It works just fine.
Your last edit gave some interesting insight. When it pulls the .csv file, its converting it to a type of XML vs text. Try the following:
This should put the returning 'data' into the proper string format.
Your almost there. Missing the final parenthesis and need a different split character.
Ah you changed your CSV to two lines i assumed it was just one line seperated by commas not data seperated by new line also seperated by commas. The below I retested and worked fine for me.
I just had that html file on my desktop with the csv you pasted in the same place.