I have list of directory structure such as:
['/a/b', '/a/b/c', '/a/b/c/d', '/a/b/c/e', '/a/b/c/f/g', '/a/b/c/f/h', '/a/b/c/f/i']
I want to convert it into dict like a tree structure.
{'/': {'a': {'b': {'c':
{'f':[{'g':None, {'h':None}, {'i':None}]}
I got stuck where to strat ? Which data structure will be suitable?
As Sven Marnach said, the output data structure should be more consistent, eg only nested dictionaries where folders are associated to dict and files to None.
Here is a script which uses os.walk. It does not take a list as input but should do what you want in the end if you want to parse files.
this is not exactly your structure, but should give you a basic idea.
Start by looking at os.listdir or os.walk. They will allow you to traverse directories recursively. Either automatically (os.walk) or semi-automatically (with os.listdir). You could then store what you find in a dictionary.