Hi I was wondering if there is any jquery function around which can take this dateTime "2010-10-18 10:06" and convert and split it returning "2010/10/18" and "10:06".
It would be also nice if the same function could either receive "2010-10-18 10:06" or "2010-10-18" only and return as mentioned above, or different formats besides "2010/10/18" like 18-10-2010" or and 18th of October 2010, giving the option but not that important, just curious about jQuery power dealing with dates.
Converting with DateJs should be as easy as:
It's currently the best library around
Have a look Here
It includes a function called fromString which would help you.
Without a any external jQuery plugin like DateJs. We can get the date as given below.
datejs. Check it, its cool and it does pretty good job for all the possibilities and error handling is also pretty good.