Where to set all Listeners
for the user interfaces?
Is it good practice to set them in onCreate
? This looks so unstructured and strange.
Is there a better place to set them?
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From here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html
When you initialize your views, they are ready to be listened.
is good callback to set listeners. In other way you can set it inonStart
, but you should understand, that its bad practice, becauseonStart
calls every time, when user see your activity.onCreate
calls only when Activity is initialized. It is reason, why you should useonCreate
. Actually, good practice implement method likeinitListeners()
where you can put all you listeners logic.Good luck!
For listeners onCreate() is good place.
Consider 2 activities A,B.
A -> B, launching 'B' Activity from 'A', if we come back from B -> A then onStart(), onResume() methods will be called again in 'A' activity and that is redundant. So it's better practice to only add listeners in onCreate() only.
And, for button listeners you can set attribute android:onClick="method_name" in xml file only.
method to set theUI
and to get theWidget
.And you can define a
for the widgets and use it inonCreate
methodand you can set the above
to a widget which you have created inonCreate
methodYou can set onClick property for any view in xml .So now u have no need to find and set onClick in onCreate.Now u need to define public method in activity of name u mentioned in xml . This looks constructed.
This might be what you want to avoid a mess