I am passing two pieces of info to a php page using the $_GET method (team1, team2). I'd like to use these as variables in some javascript. How can I do this?
I am passing two pieces of info to a php page using the $_GET method (team1, team2). I'd like to use these as variables in some javascript. How can I do this?
Another way to do this with javascript :
Make sure your
vars are available and not empty and use the following:Original answer:
In your .php file.
Safer answer:
Didn't even think about XSS when I blasted this answer out. (Look at the comments!) Anything from the $_GET array should be escaped, otherwise a user can pretty much insert whatever JS they want into your page. So try something like this:
From here http://www.bytetouch.com/blog/programming/protecting-php-scripts-from-cross-site-scripting-xss-attacks/.
More about XSS from Google http://code.google.com/p/doctype/wiki/ArticleXSSInJavaScript.
Cheers to the commenters.
The other methods are kind of dirty, and there can be some problems. Your better off just using javascript:
But this still isn't super secure.
Another way of doing this, which I just thought of, is to print the $_GET array. I don't know if that would work, though. Anyway, if it does, then here it is:
And you would want to run array_walk(or something like that), on a function to clean each string.
Make sure you use something like htmlentities to escape the values so that your application is not susceptible to cross-site scripting attacks. Ideally you would validate the variables to make sure they're an expected value before outputting them to the page.