I have recently been looking at the breakdown of one of my apps on ANdroid Market, and was surprised to see that a number of downloaders were using Galaxy Tabs and a few other tablets to use my app. Now, I'm a little worried, because when designing the app I didn't take into account larger screen sizes, so the bitmaps I used on the Canvas are all suitable for phone sizes but are way too small for tablets (I'm thinking of the background bitmaps which will cover about 1/4 of the Galaxy Tab's screen. The thought of people using my app like this is making me feel a little unnerved. So my question is, is there a way to prevent Tablet PCs from downloading an app? I'm guessing not, but I just wanted to make sure.
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This question has been going around a lot recently and it seems that you cannot stop people from downloading and installing your app based on their device-type.
A couple things you can try are:
But I suspect that it will prevent your app to run on Galaxy Tab but you can gave it a try
You can use the
element to prevent, for example, devices with x-large screens from seeing your app in Google Play.http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/compatible-screens-element.html