F# array_chunk for Sequence

2020-02-11 05:12发布

I'm having some trouble making a sequence. Basically I need to chop a sequence into a sequence of arrays. Seq.windowed almost does it but I don't want duplicate elements.

I can get what I want by reading everything into an array first but I'd rather use a sequence.

let array_chunk s (a:int[]) =
    Array.init (a.Length / s) (fun i -> Array.sub a (i * s) s)

someSequence |> Seq.to_array |> array_chunk 5

2楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:27

How about:

let rec chunks n sq =
  if not (Seq.is_empty sq) then 
    seq {
      yield Seq.take n sq |> Seq.to_array
      yield! chunks n (Seq.skip n sq)

Note that this requires sq to have a number of elements which is evenly divisible by n (because Seq.take and Seq.skip, unlike LINQ's Take and Skip extension methods, require that the sequence contains at least n elements). Also, this isn't as efficient as explicitly using the enumerator would be, but it's more elegant.

3楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:27

Nice version from Princess has been fixed to get tail and converted into seq

let array_chunk size (arr : 'a array) = 
    let maxl = arr.Length - 1
    seq { for a in 0 .. size .. maxl -> arr.[a .. min (a + size - 1) maxl ] }
4楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:27

Here is my version taking an array as input and output :

  let chunk chunkNumber (array : _ array) =
    let chunkSize = array.Length/chunkNumber
    let mutable startIndex = 0
        let n1 = array.Length % chunkNumber
        for i = 1 to n1 do
            yield Array.sub array startIndex (chunkSize+1)
            startIndex <- startIndex + chunkSize+1

        let n2 = chunkNumber - n1
        for i = 1 to n2 do
            yield Array.sub array startIndex chunkSize
            startIndex <- startIndex + chunkSize

The function tries to make chunks of similar size (instead of getting a very small last chunk) and builds the output the same way you would build a sequence (making it easy to rewrite it in order to get a sequence as output)

5楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:27

Summarizing the above Chunking or Buffering or Segmenting of a seqence, list, or array. Two forms:

let rec chunk size xs = seq {
    yield Seq.take size xs
    yield! chunk size (Seq.skip size xs)


let chunk size = Seq.unfold (fun xs ->
    match Seq.isEmpty xs with
    | false -> Some(Seq.take size xs, Seq.skip size xs)
    | _ -> None

Note: If Seq functioned properly like a cursor (as I would have expected being a lazy evaluation), Seq.take would advance the position Seq.skip would not be necessary. However, that is not the case.

6楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:28

This is nice and succinct:

let chunk size (arr : 'a array) =
    [| for a in 0 .. size .. arr.Length - size -> arr.[a..a + size - 1] |]

However, this lops off the last (arr.Length % size) elements in the array. You can fix this by grabbing the missing elements and using Array.append:

let chunk2 size (arr : 'a array) = 
    let first = [| for a in 0 .. size .. arr.Length - size -> arr.[a..a + size - 1] |]
    let numberOfMissingElements = arr.Length - (first.Length * size)
    if numberOfMissingElements > 0 then
        let last = [| arr.[arr.Length - numberOfMissingElements..] |]
        Array.append first last
    else first
7楼-- · 2020-02-11 05:34

Here's @kvb's solution with the Seq.skip/take limitations fixed. It's small, elegant, and O(n).

let eSkip n s = System.Linq.Enumerable.Skip(s, n)

let rec seq_chunks n sq =
  if (Seq.isEmpty sq) 
  then Seq.empty
  else seq {
      yield Seq.truncate n sq
      yield! seq_chunks n (eSkip n sq)
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