I'm trying to ask my OData service:
"Give me all the Products that do not have a Category"
with the Products and Category have a m2m relationship.
I've tried:
from p in Products
where p.Categories == null
select p
from p in Products
where !p.Categories.Any()
select p
from p in Products
where p.Categories.Count == 0
select p
but all of these give me not supported exceptions.
I'm not looking for alternatives or options. Please don't answer with other options.
This is not supported:
My solution to this problem was to $expand the related field in the query, and then test if that field was empty or not...
.. this is in the context of queries from Windows 7 phone to a WCF service using JSON as the message format.
My experience with WCF Data Services is that the client subset of LINQ to rest is lacking.
My biased option would be to just move it to server side where you have access to the full implementation of LINQ to entites? (or whatever you are using to implement your Data Service).