I need to change all uploaded files to 72 dpi. I'm using the php imagick extension.
heres what i've tried (the image i'm using is 300dpi):
$image = new Imagick();
$image->setResolution(72,72) ;
$image->resampleImage (72,72,imagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED,1);
this doesn't seem to anything. the image is uploading, but stays at 300dpi
MatTheCat's answer is spot on. You might also try
to ensure it's working with inches and not centimeters.Resampling isn't necessary just to change dpi.
Note that changing the dpi alone will not affect file size and only applies to resampling and printing.
It seems you have to use setImageResolution rather than setResolution : http://www.php.net/manual/fr/function.imagick-setresolution.php#95533