I updated Platform-tools from 23.0.1 to 23.1.0 and found some of the Android integration broke.
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit with android-sdk_r24.4.1, with both android-studio (141.2456560) installed.
While executing adb command it keeps on saying below message :
Unable to create Debug Bridge: Unable to start adb server: Unable to detect adb version, adb output: /home/bhavesh/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb: 1: /home/bhavesh/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb: Syntax error: ")" unexpected
Any help would be appreciated.
This error arrived i have in case of updated platform-tools from 23.0.1 to 23.2.0, i have solved by downloading platform-tools for 23.0.1 and start its working, because 23.2.0 is not supported in 32 bit os version its nee 64 bit os
OK. after some research found that reason for this is because
This issue has already been raised HERE
Also, as per the official comment given by google project member parts of the platform-tools will support 64 bit Ubuntu OS only from 23.1.0 onwards.
That eventually means we only have possible two workarounds now :
1. Stick with Platform-tool 23.0.1 as of now. and DO NOT UPGRADE platform-tools to 23.1.0 or above
2. Change your Ubuntu OS to 64-bit instead of 32-bit.
I hope this would help someone.
download sdk platform-tool 23.0.1 from this link
I filed that bug 8-) If you updated to 23.1.0 already (or install a fresh android-sdk, which will insist on installing newest platform-tools), you have two solutions:
1) Get platform-tools 23.0.1 from https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r23.0.1-linux.zip . Go to android-sdk-linux directory, delete the "platform-tools" directory (may not be necessary) and unzip the platform-tools_r23.0.1-linux.zip there. SDK updater correctly shows 23.0.1 is installed next time you run it.
2) I found although qemu-2.0.0 will not run 64-bit "adb start-server", qemu-2.4.0 will! I posted to the bug report linked above, please see my post for more info. Long story short, I built qemu-2.4.0 source package (for Ubuntu Xxxxx Xaros -- I forget what Ubuntu 16.04's animal name is...) and installed a single extra binfmt file to enable qemu-x86_64 seamless support. I ran "dpkg --add-architecture amd64" and "apt-get install libc6:amd64" to install base 64-bit libraries. Done, x86-64 seamless emulation is a go!
This sounds like a recipe for the world's slowest SDK install... but actually, Java itself uses the VAST majority of CPU time running eclipse+ADT or Android Studio. As important as the native binaries are to having a working SDK, the CPU usage of those binaries is nearly 0 (other than the phone/table emulator itself, which is needless to say quite CPU-intensive.)