We have a large model and it takes a couple seconds for ng-repeat to bind all the items in the model to the form. We would like to show a spinner while it this is happening. Is there some event that fires when binding is complete so we know when to hide the spinner?
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In that kind of situations, I use the $timeout service mixed with the $viewContentLoaded event fired by angular ui router (if you use ui router) :
about $timeout :
about $viewContentLoaded
My personal usecase is for a paymentForm to dynamically generate its hidden inputs (using HTML data computed serverside that I insert through ng-bind-html) and submit to the payment Gateway :
FYI in the above code example, .submit() is a function from a custom directive used with the form in order to be able to autosubmit the form.
Plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/GzzTW4?p=preview
on the spinner If you are using 1.2 useng-if
In your directive use $last to determine if rendering is done and then change the variable that you have the ng-show/ngif defined on.
You can watch for
item compile/link function, and fire a custom event to the scopeFor this I normally create a spinner div in your view with an ng-show="submitting". Then when the data is loaded, you set the $scope.submitting to 'false' show the spinner is hidden.
I hope that helps