When you look at the Dockerfile for a maven build it contains the line:
VOLUME /root/.m2
Now this would be great if this is where my .m2
repository was on my mac - but it isn't - it's in
Now I could do:
But then the linux implementation in Docker wouldn't know to look there. I want to map the linux location to the mac location, and have that as part of my vagrant init
. Kind of like:
ln /root/.m2 /Users/myname/.m2
My question is: How do I point a docker image to my .m2 directory for running maven in docker on a mac?
You rather point a host folder (like /Users/myname/.m2) to a container folder (not an image)
See "Mount a host directory as a data volume":
To share the .m2 folder in build step you can overwrite the localRepository value in settings.xml.
Here is the Dockerfile snippet I used to share my local .m2 repository in docker.