How does one reference the default 'Submit' Forms button to link the 'onsubmit' trigger with another action? Thank you.
For example, with onsubmit,
Logger.log('do something');
How does one reference the default 'Submit' Forms button to link the 'onsubmit' trigger with another action? Thank you.
For example, with onsubmit,
Logger.log('do something');
This is an old answer.
Currently (Jan 2014) there are two ways for onSubmit. One is simply to make a function onSubmit() which supposedly (it doesn't work for me...) allows a limited set of actions under the permission of the current submitting user only. You cannot access his submitted email, for example, or modify the underlying form for next submit.
Then there is is the trigger on submit which you can add and attach to any function and do whatever you want under your own permissions. looks same as screenshot of trigger adding in the answer above, except that its the first column shows methods in you forms script, the next column reads: From-Form and in the third column you choose: On Submit.
Typically your method will receive an event e , who's e.values are the same as the values saved in the spreadsheet. So
function formSubmitted(e){ ...
JohnB's HOWTO above is excellent. Update (Nov 2017):
Many of the steps above require validation/acceptance by the form owner.
One doesn't. The Form Service does not allow any programmatic control over the product. There is an open issue on the Issue Tracker for this general topic. Star it to "vote", and receive updates.
However, you're not lost. In the spreadsheet receiving your form responses, you can add a script with an Installable Trigger to fire "On form submit". From there, you can do many things to the submitted data, including Logging as you wish... but nothing to the Form itself.
These references explain triggers and events.
There seems to be two applications which trigger code: (1) the form and (2) the spreadsheet linked to the form responses.
(1) There is not much one can do programmaticly from the form as the event is not sent to functions, as noted by Mogsdad and JohnB above. One can, for example, send an email "On form submit" or "On open" but without the event object, one can't even record the number or rows nor anything about the document or submission.
(2) However, if a spreadsheet is linked to the responses of the form, then a trigger can be set on the spreadsheet, where one has access to the event and thus row, column, and other data.
From linked response Google Spreadsheet:
For more info:
Instead of adding a script to the Spreadsheet receiving responses from the Form (as in Mogsdad's answer), I added a script which gets triggered by the Form's Submit button.
Step 1: first create a Google Form
Step 2: Then from the menu, click Tools->Script editor
Step 3: give your function a name like
Step 4: Write some code to send an email like this, then test by click Run button
Step 5: in the Script Editor's menu, click Run, or click the Play button on the toolbar to test your code (e.g. make sure you get the email)
Step 6: in the Script Editor's menu, click Resources-> Current project's triggers
Step 7: select the settings Events
From form
On form submit
Step 8: Then from the Form Editor's menu, click Tools->Script manager and make sure your script is selected
Step 9: try the form. You should get an email after clicking the form's submit button.