I am trying to implement permalinks in phoenix app.
The goal is to change localhost:4000/products/1 to localhost:4000/products/productname
I tried following Ryan Bates episode on permalinks implementation in rails but wasn't able to find a to_param function for models in phoenix.
Please help.
In addition to Wobbley's response,
in Phoenix is implemented with protocols. For example, here is how you could change how the URLs for products are generated:A more complex example is also shown on Programming Phoenix (disclaimer: I am one of the authors).
Not sure if this is what you are asking for but here you go:
router.ex in the browser stack
That should be all you need if you want your application to return a specific product based on name as a html page, naturally you will need to have a html page with the name "product_info.html.eex" under templates/product