I have a leaderboard which calls a component and passes it data to it like so:
_renderItem =({item}) => (
And inside the childComponent I try do this:
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Profile", { id: this.props.id})} >
Where I am hoping that it will then go to the profile page and grab the correct data based on the id passed to it. The issue is that when I click the arrow to go to the profile page I get the error Cannot read property 'navigate of undefined. I have put both the leaderboard and childComponent in my HomeDrawerrRoutes.js and MainStackRouter.js. Any help would be great, thanks.
For some reason if you don't want to use withNavigation, the following solution works too. You just have to pass navigation as a prop to your child component.
For example:
And in child component:
There is an easy Solution for this,
. it's a higher order component which passes the navigation prop into a wrapped Component.example child component
for more details : https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/connecting-navigation-prop.html
This is a 3 page example that shows how to pass the
function to a child component and how to customize props send to screens from within the StackNavigator