I'm trying to configure the Java Logging API's FileHandler to log my server to a file within a folder in my home directory, but I don't want to have to create those directories on every machine it's running.
For example in the logging.properties file I specify:
This would allow me to collect logs in my home directory (%h) for MyApplication and would rotate them (using the %u, and %g variables).
Log4j supports this when I specify in my log4j.properties:
It looks like there is a bug against the Logging FileHandler: Bug 6244047: impossible to specify driectorys to logging FileHandler unless they exist
It sounds like they don't plan on fixing it or exposing any properties to work around the issue (beyond having your application parse the logging.properties or hard code the path needed):
It looks like the java.util.logging.FileHandler does not expect that the specified directory may not exist. Normally, it has to check this condition anyway. Also, it has to check the directory writing permissions as well. Another question is what to do if one of these check does not pass.
One possibility is to create the missing directories in the path if the user has proper permissions. Another is to throw an IOException with a clear message what is wrong. The latter approach looks more consistent.
It seems like log4j version 1.2.15 does it.
Here is the snippet of the code which does it
This piece of code is from FileAppender, RollingFileAppender extends FileAppender.
Here it is not checking whether we have permission to create the parent folders, but if the parent folders is not existing then it will try to create the parent folders.
If you want some additional functionalily, you can always extend RollingFileAppender and override the setFile() method.
You can write something like this.
Then in your configuration
This works perfectly for me.
As a possible solution I think there are 2 approaches (look at some of the previous answers). I can extend a Java Logging Handler class and write my own custom handler. I could also copy the log4j functionality and adapt it to the Java Logging framework.
Here's an example of copying the basic FileHandler and creating a CustomFileHandler see pastebin for full class:
The key is the openFiles() method where it tries to create a FileOutputStream and checking and creating the parent directory if it doesn't exist (I also had to copy package protected LogManager methods, why did they even make those package protected anyways):
... }
To work around the limitations of the Java Logging framework, and the unresolved bug: Bug 6244047: impossible to specify driectorys to logging FileHandler unless they exist
I've come up with 2 approaches (although only the first approach will actually work), both require your static void main() method for your app to initialize the logging system.
The first approach hard-codes the log directories you expect to exist and creates them if they don't exist.
The second approach could catch the IOException and create the directories listed in the exception, the problem with this approach is that the Logging framework has already failed to create the FileHandler so catching and resolving the error still leaves the logging system in a bad state.
I generally try to avoid static code but to work around this limitaton here is my approach that worked on my project just now.
I subclassed java.util.logging.FileHandler and implemented all constructors with their super calls. I put a static block of code in the class that creates the folders for my app in the user.home folder if they don't exist.
In my logging properties file I replaced java.util.logging.FileHandler with my new class.