I have written a little cdn server that shall rebuild his pool registry if new stuff (pool-content-packages) is installed into the pool.
Instead that every pool-content-package call the init.d of the cdn-server, I'd like to use triggers. Than it would restarted the server only one time at end of an installation run after all packages are installed.
What have I to do to use trigger in my packages with debhelper support?
What you are looking for is dpkg-triggers.
One solution with use of debhelper to build the debian packages is this:
Step 1)
Create file
with name of your server package).Step 1a)
Define a trigger that watch the directory of your pool. The content of file would be:
interest /path/to/my/pool
Step 1b)
But you can also define a named trigger, which have to be fired explicit (see step 3).
content of file:
interest cdn-pool-changed
The name of the trigger cdn-pool-changed is free. You can take what ever you want.
Step 2)
Add handler for trigger to file
with name of your server package).Example:
with name of your server package.Step 3) (only for named triggers, step 1b) )
Add in every content package the file
with names of your content packages).content of file:
activate cdn-pool-changed
Use same name for trigger you defined in step 1.
More detailed Information
The best description for dpkg-triggers I could found is "How to use dpkg triggers". The corresponding git repository with examples you can get here:
git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/seanius/dpkg-triggers-example.git