I have been looking for a 5-Star rating control for a while now and have not found a solid solution. This question:
Anyone know whether there is a 5-star rating component on iPhone?
Provided a couple of links to projects which are no longer available, and i have not been able to track them down.
Edit: I am apparently bad at tracking down projects, but I think part of my question still stands. Here is the updated link http://code.google.com/p/s7ratingview/downloads/detail?name=s7ratingview-basic-release.zip
So this questions is 2 part - Is there a solid premade solution out there, and could you direct me to it?
Is it better / fairly easy to (yes, i realize these two facets are in conflict) grow my own solution? Could you give me some tips/resources to do so. I understand the basic idea of subclassing UIView and tracking touch events to expand an image ontop of another image to look like stars, but a little more direction would be helpful. I have been developing on the iphone for a little under a week and still need a bit of hand-holding.
Just Easy to Give a Star Follow this Code and Copy and Paste into Your Project and Simply Run.
You can give DYRateView a try. I wanted to reuse the one in Ray's tutorial as much as possible, but there were several features missing from it, so I made one myself.
You can check out my blog for further details on how to use DYRateView in your project: http://iappexperience.com/post/23227218867/dyrateview-a-simple-yet-powerful-rating-control-for.
Try Ray Wenderlich's custom UIView with a 5-star rating.
You can also try using UISlider and supplying a minimum/maximum track images.
Another way you may try DLStarRating lets you customize the area below the stars, detecting touches.