I'm having issues serving up static files - i.e. style sheets and images required from my html pages. I cannot seem to fathom why these static images are not being found. Here is what I have in my settings.py
# Additional locations of static files
STATIC_ROOT = "/static/"
# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in
# various locations.
I'm getting a 404 error, when I tail into the log. But I cannot figure out where or debug or figure out where OpenShift is looking for these images. I've tried using STATIC_URL = '/static/'
but that doesn't work either.
I spent a long time trying to get static files working on Openshift. Following this blog post I set up my Django project using the standard project layout but static files would not work. I think the vhost config that they use is not setup to look for files in /static/. This question Serving Django static files in OpenShift seems to suggest if you use the old layout and use wsgi/static it will work. In the end I installed django-storages and served my static files from s3.
Hey I just had the same problem and I found a way to make it work.
Just go to your settings.py and make some changes
down at the end of settings.py file add this
and in your html file just don't forget to load staticfiles like that
now your directories should look like that
After every deployment into production (
git push
to your Openshift repository) you need to collect all static files to a single place, yourSTATIC_ROOT
. This is a job for the django management commandcollectstatic
, see Django docs here.For Openshift environments a good practice to automate this after pushing upstream is the
action hook documented at the Openshift docs.The
script may look like this:For further details you may also read Django cannot find static files. Need a second pair of eyes, I'm going crazy.
Me also had the same problem with Heroku. Static files are not served correctly.
Then i figured out every time when i deploy the application to heroku background its performing collectstatic. But i didnt mention STATIC_ROOT in settings.py.
So i put static root like this
Then i deployed that time its working. Try that out in openshift and let me know
1) You've mixed up STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT variables.
STATIC_ROOT: Needs to point to the directory where you want your static files to be collected. In this case, it seems it is PROJECT_PATH + '/static/'. Make sure this directory is correct.
STATIC_URL: The url your static files are accessed. /static/ is correct.
Remove the STATICFILES_DIRS variable. It can't be the same as STATIC_ROOT because first tells Django where to FIND static files and second tells Django where to STORE static files when they are collected.
2) If you are working with Openshift, as @timo.rieber points out, you will need an action_hook for deploy to tell it to collect your static files.
3) Your static_root folder can't be anywhere in your project because Openshift webserver won't find it. It should be under yourproject/wsgi/static <--- (Thus, this will be the STATIC_ROOT variable value).
As I already answered you in another question, starting a new project from scratch for Openshift is painful. I've wrote a post about creating a new project to make it work with Openshift and you can also visit the commit referenced there which will redirect you to a basic Openshift project which works. You can also download basic project from Openshift repo but it follows an old (but still working) project structure. You can now use a simpler project structure for python apps