In Excel, I have two columns. One is a prediction, one is the result. I want to count how many times the prediction matches the result (i.e. a correct prediction).
The data is like so:
Col A Col B
Bears Bears
Chiefs Raiders
Chargers Chargers
Colts Texans
So the number I want to get to via a formula is 2, since that's how many matches there were (Bears and Chargers). Keep in mind the match has to be in the same row.
The double negative will convert the TRUEs and FALSEs to 1s and 0s, respectively, then sum them up.
I don't know of any formula that does exactly what you propose. The solution I have always used in this situation is to add a "Col C" that tests the row. Something to the effect of "=A2=B2" (in cell C2). You can then use countif ("=COUNTIF(C2:C4, TRUE)") the column to get the count you are looking for.
The array equality expression will produce
so you have an intermediate expression of=SUMPRODUCT(({TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE})*1)
, that gets you=SUMPRODUCT({1,0,1,0,0,0})
which gets you2
.Not any better than Dick's answer, but the "times 1" thing is easier for me to remember.