in ivy:publisher the default deliverivypattern is ${ivy.distrib.dir}/[type]s/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]
I try to set classifier in my ivy.xml under by adding attribute e:classifier="" to the element.
But the [classifier] does not get set? When ivy:publish runs in my build.xml file it appears to be empty and thereby not included in the file name pattern.
I think I've figured out your problem.
Just to be clear it is the configured resolver that determines the repository filename and not the publish task. Here's my example, which utilises two extra attributes greeting and author in the artifact and ivy filename patterns:
The values of the extra attributes are determined by the ivy.xml file:
Sure enough when I published the files the values of the greeting and author tags were present:
I believe you want the pattern like so. If the greeting isn't defined it will be left out.
I had a problem with
I simply added the "extra" namespace in my declaration and was able to use the classifier.
I faced the same issue and we found a way to get the extra attribute in.
my example in the ivysettings.xml look something like...
and in your ivy.xml file i put the following: please note that i wanted the greeting value to be dynamic value everytime i publish something (${someValue})
Here is where the trick come in -> In my build file where i call the ivy:publish function, the following attribute have to be set to true (forcedeliver)
That's it