I have remote JBoss 7.1 server and I would like to connect to this server by using VisualVM or JConsole.
I googled a bit and found several threads/tutorials on how to connect to JBoss 7.1 by using VisualVM or JCoonsole, e.g.:
- https://community.jboss.org/thread/171346?start=0&tstart=0
- https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-895
- https://community.jboss.org/wiki/UsingJconsoleToConnectToJMXOnAS7
- http://blog.akquinet.de/2012/11/01/connecting-visualvm-with-a-remote-jboss-as-7-eap6-jvm-process/
Unfortunately I had no luck in connecting to my JBoss 7.1 over JMX.
Do you have any ideas how to connect to JBoss 7.1 with VisualVM?
EDIT: I added -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1090 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false to standalone.conf.bat, but I got an exception: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The LogManager was not properly inst alled (you must set the "java.util.logging.manager" system property to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager").
So, I added another option to JAVA_OPTS: -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1090 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager but the exception I receive is this:
Could not load Logmanager "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:423)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:356)
If you open a command shell and type "netstat -a", do you see something LISTENING on the JMX port 1090? If not, perhaps you have to check JBOSS configuration.
You can connect directly to the JBOSS JMX instead of the VM one (no need to modify JAVA_OPTS)
Just ensure you have the following config in standalone.xml (JMX subsystem active)
in standalone mode (listened port 9999):
in domain mode (listened port 4447)
Then we need a little hack : As JBoss JMX implementation is a bit specific we need to include some jboss lib to the classpath of JVisualVM
Get the file
and copy / rename it to jvisualvm.sh / jvisualvm.bat in the same directory.Then replace the executable call to jconsole per jvisualvm using
-cp:a "$CLASSPATH"
instead of-J-Djava.class.path="$CLASSPATH"
Now just launch visualVM using the script and add a new JMX connection (file menu) using the folowing url
(the credentials are the one of management realm)NB: think to ssh tunnel if you don't have direct access to JMX port
Found a solution. I needed to add the following params to JAVA_OPTS in standalone.conf.bat:
Note 1: Use
instead of^
on Unix.Note 2: Replace
with your JBoss 7.x installation path. Mine wasc:/java/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final
.Add the JVM opts to run.conf (run.conf.bat) JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9999 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote"
In Visual VM console open a remote host. And Add JMX Connection and give port number as <9999>