I'm working with Laravel 5 authentification system provided by default. After logging out, a user is redirected to the root page but I'd like to change that. I managed to do it for the "login" and "registering" process by defining "$redirectTo" in "AuthController.php". But for "logout", I defined "$redirectAfterLogout" at the same place but it seems to not be taken into account.
Could anyone explain me where is the problem and how to fix it please? Thanks a lot.
In App\Controllers\Auth\AuthController, add the following two variables.
You get the idea.
For Laravel 5.5 override logout method inside LoginController. In my case I am redirecting to home route after login.
Add this to your route
Route::get('logout', function(){ Auth::logout(); return redirect('/'); /Added this line. The auth doesn't seem to work on its own/ });
For Laravel 5,
class : app/Http/Controllers/Auth/AuthController.phpAdd below property to the class
you can change
with any url.it'only laravel versi 5.4 if you want custom redirect url logout, open
and edit redirect based on you neededI have a same problem in Laravel 5.0. Override a method does the trick.
1) Go to app/Http/Controllers/Auth/AuthController.php 2) Add a new method :