How do I set ulimit for containers in Kubernetes? (specifically ulimit -u)
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Considering Docker is designed for single processes for the most part
ulimit -u
doesn't exactly make sense. However, if you are looking for resource limiting in general, Kubernetes allows you to set a quota on a resource. Here are the docs: This way you specify number of cores/memory/disk usage.If you are able to ssh into the kubernetes cluster, you can modify the
file.For an amazon EKS cluster, the file is located at
.Append the property
in the file and then restart the docker service.sudo service docker restart
This would spin up docker containers with an infinite memlock value. Probably equivalent to
docker run -ulimit memlock=-1:-1 <docker image>
In Kubernetes cluster (AWS EKS) you can change the ulimit for a docker container by modifying the /etc/docker/daemon.json in the node where your container is running.
Add following lines to /etc/docker/daemon.json
"default-ulimits": { "nofile": { "Name": "nofile", "Hard": 128000, "Soft": 128000 } }
and finally restart the docker service on that node by executing following command.
service docker restart
It appears that you can't currently set a ulimit but it is an open issue: