I get always this erroe when I try to obfuscate an App with proguard
Error:ProGuard: [MyApp] java.io.IOException: Can't read [C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\jre\lib\rt.jar] (Can't process class [com/oracle/net/Sdp$1.class] (Unsupported class version number [52.0] (maximum 51.0, Java 1.7)))
I have already updated Proguard and checked the project-config file but always the same Error. I'm using the latest version of Intellij IDEA
ProGuard 5.0 (released in August 2014) supports Java 8.
ProGuard has not been updated yet to support Java 8.
An issue has already been raised against ProGuard.
Eric Lafortune (ProGuard developer) noted back in October 2013
He also said
There is a successor of pyx4me ProGuard Maven plugin on github with support to ProGuard 5.2, hence Java 8 support:
Cheers, Ekho
Seems that Proguard doesn't support Java 8 actually. You have to use JDK version 7.
I have recompiled Proguard to support JDK 8 classes, doesn't support Java 8 new features but if your code doesn't use Java 8 new syntax(e.g. Lambda Expression) should works without problems. Tested with some android projects.
To use replace the file proguard.jar in
with the content of THIS ARCHIVE
Recently has been released the official Proguard 5 that should address the issue. You can download this from HERE