I'm using R to loop through a data frame, perform a calculation and to make a plot.
for(i in 2 : 15){
# get data
# do analysis
# make plot
a <- plot()
Is there a way that I can make the plot object name 'a', using the value of 'i'? For example, a + "i" <- plot(). Then I want to add that to a vector so I have a series of plots that I can then use at a later stage when I want to make a pdf. Or perhaps there is another way of storing this.
I'm familiar with the paste() function but I haven't figured out how to define an object using it.
If you want a "vector" of plot objects, the easiest way is probably to store them in a
. Usepaste()
to create a name for your plot and then add it to the list:If you didn't want to store the plots in a list and literally wanted to create a new object that had the name contained in
, then you could useassign()
:Have a look at the packages
, the plot functions in these packages create objects which can be assigned to variables and can be printed or plotted at a later stage.For instance with
:Or append the objects to a list: