I have a dataframe like below.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
raw_data = {'student':['A','B','C','D','E'],
'score': [100, 96, 80, 105,156],
'height': [7, 4,9,5,3],
'trigger1' : [84,95,15,78,16],
'trigger2' : [99,110,30,93,31],
'trigger3' : [114,125,45,108,46]}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['student','score', 'height','trigger1','trigger2','trigger3'])
I need to derive Flag column based on multiple conditions.
i need to compare score and height columns with trigger 1 -3 columns.
Flag Column:
if Score greater than equal trigger 1 and height less than 8 then Red --
if Score greater than equal trigger 2 and height less than 8 then Yellow --
if Score greater than equal trigger 3 and height less than 8 then Orange --
if height greater than 8 then leave it as blank
How to write if else conditions in pandas dataframe and derive columns?
Expected Output
student score height trigger1 trigger2 trigger3 Flag
0 A 100 7 84 99 114 Yellow
1 B 96 4 95 110 125 Red
2 C 80 9 15 30 45 NaN
3 D 105 5 78 93 108 Yellow
4 E 156 3 16 31 46 Orange
For other column Text1 in my original question i have tired this one but the interger columns not converting the string when concatenation using astype(str) any other approach?
def text_df(df):
if (df['trigger1'] <= df['score'] < df['trigger2']) and (df['height'] < 8):
return df['student'] + " score " + df['score'].astype(str) + " greater than " + df['trigger1'].astype(str) + " and less than height 5"
elif (df['trigger2'] <= df['score'] < df['trigger3']) and (df['height'] < 8):
return df['student'] + " score " + df['score'].astype(str) + " greater than " + df['trigger2'].astype(str) + " and less than height 5"
elif (df['trigger3'] <= df['score']) and (df['height'] < 8):
return df['student'] + " score " + df['score'].astype(str) + " greater than " + df['trigger3'].astype(str) + " and less than height 5"
elif (df['height'] > 8):
return np.nan
you can use also apply with a custom function on axis 1 like this :
you will get something like this :
You need chained comparison using upper and lower bound
Note: You can do this with a very nested np.where but I prefer to apply a function for multiple if-else