I'm trying to resize an image loaded from disk - a JPG or PNG (I don't know the format when I load it) - and then save it back to disk.
I've got the following code which I've tried to port from objective-c, however I've got stuck on the last parts. Original Objective-C.
This may not be the best way of achieving what I want to do - any solution is fine for me.
int width = 100;
int height = 100;
using (UIImage image = UIImage.FromFile(filePath))
CGImage cgimage = image.CGImage;
CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo = cgimage.AlphaInfo;
if (alphaInfo == CGImageAlphaInfo.None)
alphaInfo = CGImageAlphaInfo.NoneSkipLast;
CGBitmapContext context = new CGBitmapContext(IntPtr.Zero,
4 * width,
context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0, 0, width, height), cgimage);
Not sure how to convert this part:
CGImageRef ref = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bitmap);
UIImage* result = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:ref];
CGContextRelease(bitmap); // ok if NULL
To get an UIImage from context all you need to do is:
In the upcoming MonoTouch we will have a scale method, this is its implementation in UIImage.cs:
Adjusted to be reused outside of MonoTouch: