i am using twitter4j in my android application to post status to twitter like in this example: http://www.androidhive.info/2012/09/android-twitter-oauth-connect-tutorial/
All is working good but the question is: The authentication is done via browser .. is there any way to detect if twitter app already installed on mobile and authenticate via it ?
EDITED: November 27, 2014
Twitter recently released Fabric that does include SSO support. From the Android docs:
My older response is below.
tl;dr Currently, SSO with Twitter is not possible on Android.
Longer version: What you are basically asking for is Single sign-on (SSO), similar to what is available with the Facebook SDK for Android. Twitter has never bothered to even implement their own library for Android, let alone SSO. There are a bunch of people who have asked on the dev forums (here and here) but the standard response is, and I quote,
Twitter needs to first get their Android app to support SSO. I would suggest using Facebook and Google+ for login instead of Twitter.