One of the screens in my app has to be vertically scrollable. Its contents is more or less static, but it doesn't fit on the phone's screen (hence the scroll view). I'm using a UIScrollController
as a top view, and I'd like to use the storyboard editor in Xcode to lay out all the views in it. Can I do that? I can obviously drop things on the visible part of my UIScrollController
, but can I put more views "below the fold" visually?
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It's possible finally in Xcode 11!
Select some view inside your scroll view in the View Tree and then scroll with your touchpad/mouse:
There is another way to do it that is different from the answers given in the link in the comment above which I believe is easier because it allows you to see your whole content view at full size and design it in Storyboard.
The trick is in #3 & #5 setting the size of the scrollView to really large so you can design. When this viewController is loaded into the iPhone the Struts & Springs will resize the scrollView to the size of the iPhone screen, but the contentView will stay large.