String truncate on length, but no chopping up of w

2020-02-09 07:17发布

I want to limit a string field length in MYSQL on a certain length, but I don't want any chopping up of words to occur.

When I do:

SELECT SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 28)

I get this as output:

Business Analist met focus o

But I would like

Business Analist met focus

How can I enforce a limit of 28 chars, but prevent chopping up words? Off course it's easy in [insert programming language of choice here] ;-), but I want to know if it's possible in MYSQL in a simple statement.

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2楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:33

Simple function:

delimiter //

 RETURN LEFT(s, maxlen - LOCATE(' ', REVERSE(LEFT(s, maxlen))));

delimiter ;


SELECT fn_maxlen('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 28);
3楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:36

Let @str be your string and @len the initial position to cut at. Then the necessary steps could be:

  1. Take the leftmost @len characters of @str.

  2. Reverse the substring.

  3. Find the position of the first space in the reversed substring.

  4. Subtract 1 from the position. But if no space was found, let the position remain 0.

  5. Subtract the found position from @len and call it cutpos.

  6. Take the first (leftmost) cutpos characters of @str as str1, take all the other characters (starting from cutpos+1) as str2.

  LEFT(str, cutpos) AS str1,
  SUBSTRING(str, cutpos + 1) AS str2
    @str AS str,
    @len - IFNULL(NULLIF(LOCATE(' ', REVERSE(LEFT(@str, @len))), 0) - 1, 0) AS cutpos
) s
倾城 Initia
4楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:39

What about splitting on spaces :

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving',' ',4)

will return

Business Analist met focus
5楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:39

Seems like people don't read the mysql manual:

Original: SELECT SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 28) gives broken words.

Modified: SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', ' ' , 4) gives unbroken words

SUBSTRING_INDEX(string, delimiter, number) will truncate a string by the number of times delimiter is found. Make your delimiter a space and you will get whole words only. so:

SUBSTRING_INDEX( LEFT('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving',28), ' ' , 4) should do it.

Emotional °昔
6楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:43

Very interesting problem. Here's how I did it:

//gets initial string - use 29 instead of 28 to see if the 29th  character is a space
SELECT SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29) 

//inverts the string, so we can get the first 
SELECT REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29))

// find the charindex of the first space (last space in the string not reversed)
SELECT CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29)))

// get the substring from the first (last) space
SELECT  SUBSTRING(REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29)), CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29))), 29)

// reverse the string again to unfold it.
SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29)), CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, 29))), 29))

// to try different lengths...
DECLARE  @size  int
select @size = 24
SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, @size)), 
CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE( SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 1, @size))), @size))
7楼-- · 2020-02-09 07:43

In SQL it would be...

select Substring('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 0 , 28 + 2 - CharIndex(' ',  REVERSE(SUBSTRING('Business Analist met focus op wet- en regelgeving', 0, 28 + 1 )),0))

I dont know if all these functions are available in MYSQL

EDIT: I think for MYSQL substitute "Locate" for "CharIndex"

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