I downloaded an API that uses this php function http_build_url(). Everytime I run my application it says:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function http_build_url()
I made a research and found out that I should install pecl_http to run that function. Now, I installed it into my system, by the way, I used Windows XP. I install this one via CMD by goint to my xampp/php folder and running this command:
pecl install pecl_http
Unfortunately, I can't install this one because it says:
ERROR: The DSP pecl_http.dsp does not exist.
Is there a work around for this one? or any idea that I would make the http_build_url() run.
There is a work around. If you dont want or just cannot use PECL, then there is a method, mentioned on the php.net comments, which is a alternative method:
It was mentioned here: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.http-build-url.php#96335
Github version https://github.com/jakeasmith/http_build_url/blob/master/src/http_build_url.php
"This simple library provides functionality for http_build_url() to environments without pecl_http. It aims to mimic the functionality of the pecl function in every way and ships with a full suite of tests that have been run against both the original function and the one in this package."