I'm trying to come up with a regular expression to remove comments from an SQL statement.
This regex almost works:
Excepth that last part doesn't handle "--" comments very well. The problem is handling SQL strings, delimited with ''.
For example, if i have
SELECT ' -- Hello -- ' FROM DUAL
It shouldn't match, but it's matching.
This is in ASP/VBscript.
I've thought about matching right-to-left but i don't think the VBScript's regex engine supports it. Also tried fiddling with negative lookbehind but the results weren't good.
Originally, I used @Adrien Gibrat's solution. However, I came across a situation where it wasn't parsing quoted strings, properly, if I had anything with a preceding '--' inside of them. I ended up writing this, instead:
Please note that this should be used when PCRE is available. So, in my case, I'm using a variation of this in my PHP library.
remove /**/ and -- comments