CookieManager for multiple threads

2019-01-14 14:50发布

I am trying to make multiple connections via threads.

But every connection seems to override the other's cookies, resulting in the connections using the wrong cookies.

inside the threaded class's constructor:

    manager = new CookieManager();

Any way to manage the cookies per thread or per class?

New failed try:

Now every thread is using it's own index, yet they still seem to override each other cookie-wise. Any ideas?

public class threadedCookieStore implements CookieStore, Runnable {
    CookieStore[] store = new CookieStore[1000];
    int index;

    public threadedCookieStore(int new_index) {
        index = new_index;
        // get the default in memory cookie store
        store[index] = new CookieManager().getCookieStore();

        // todo: read in cookies from persistant storage
        // and add them store

        // add a shutdown hook to write out the in memory cookies
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(this)); 

    public void run() {
        // todo: write cookies in store to persistent storage

    public void add(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
        store[index].add(uri, cookie);

    public List<HttpCookie> get(URI uri) {
        return store[index].get(uri);

    public List<HttpCookie> getCookies() {
        return store[index].getCookies();

    public List<URI> getURIs() {
        return store[index].getURIs();

    public boolean remove(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
        return store[index].remove(uri, cookie);

     public boolean removeAll()  {
         return store[index].removeAll();

Within the class:

threadedCookieStore cookiestore = new threadedCookieStore(index);

manager = new CookieManager(cookiestore,CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL);

2楼-- · 2019-01-14 14:55

Thanks everyone.

I upvoted all the answers, yet none had a complete solution.

Since google'ing this problem leads to this page here, I'll post the complete solution and accept my own answer:


1 Extend CookieHandler to SessionCookieManager

this is based on How to use different cookies for each connection using HttpURLConnection and the CookieManager in Java , nivs describes it correctly, doesn't provide a full solution tho. So most/all credit goes to him, I'm just making the complete HowTo. The SessionCookieManager is based on Java 's source code

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class SessionCookieManager extends CookieHandler
    private CookiePolicy policyCallback;

    public SessionCookieManager() {
        this(null, null);

    private final static SessionCookieManager ms_instance = new SessionCookieManager();

    public static SessionCookieManager getInstance()
        return ms_instance;

    private final static ThreadLocal<CookieStore> ms_cookieJars = new ThreadLocal<CookieStore>() {
        protected synchronized CookieStore initialValue() { return new InMemoryCookieStore(); }

    public void clear()
    public SessionCookieManager(CookieStore store,
                         CookiePolicy cookiePolicy)
        // use default cookie policy if not specify one
        policyCallback = (cookiePolicy == null) ? CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL //note that I changed it to ACCEPT_ALL
                                                : cookiePolicy;

        // if not specify CookieStore to use, use default one

    public void setCookiePolicy(CookiePolicy cookiePolicy) {
        if (cookiePolicy != null) policyCallback = cookiePolicy;

    public CookieStore getCookieStore() {
        return ms_cookieJars.get();

    public Map<String, List<String>>
        get(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders)
        throws IOException
        // pre-condition check
        if (uri == null || requestHeaders == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is null");

        Map<String, List<String>> cookieMap =
                        new java.util.HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        // if there's no default CookieStore, no way for us to get any cookie
        if (getCookieStore() == null)
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(cookieMap);

        List<HttpCookie> cookies = new java.util.ArrayList<HttpCookie>();
        for (HttpCookie cookie : getCookieStore().get(uri)) {
            // apply path-matches rule (RFC 2965 sec. 3.3.4)
            if (pathMatches(uri.getPath(), cookie.getPath())) {

        // apply sort rule (RFC 2965 sec. 3.3.4)
        List<String> cookieHeader = sortByPath(cookies);

        cookieMap.put("Cookie", cookieHeader);
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(cookieMap);

    public void
        put(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders)
        throws IOException
        // pre-condition check
        if (uri == null || responseHeaders == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is null");

        // if there's no default CookieStore, no need to remember any cookie
        if (getCookieStore() == null)

        for (String headerKey : responseHeaders.keySet()) {
            // RFC 2965 3.2.2, key must be 'Set-Cookie2'
            // we also accept 'Set-Cookie' here for backward compatibility
            if (headerKey == null
                || !(headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie2")
                     || headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")

            for (String headerValue : responseHeaders.get(headerKey)) {
                try {
                    List<HttpCookie> cookies = HttpCookie.parse(headerValue);
                    for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {
                        if (shouldAcceptInternal(uri, cookie)) {
                            getCookieStore().add(uri, cookie);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    // invalid set-cookie header string
                    // no-op

    /* ---------------- Private operations -------------- */

    // to determine whether or not accept this cookie
    private boolean shouldAcceptInternal(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
        try {
            return policyCallback.shouldAccept(uri, cookie);
        } catch (Exception ignored) { // pretect against malicious callback
            return false;

     * path-matches algorithm, as defined by RFC 2965
    private boolean pathMatches(String path, String pathToMatchWith) {
        if (path == pathToMatchWith)
            return true;
        if (path == null || pathToMatchWith == null)
            return false;
        if (path.startsWith(pathToMatchWith))
            return true;

        return false;

     * sort cookies with respect to their path: those with more specific Path attributes
     * precede those with less specific, as defined in RFC 2965 sec. 3.3.4
    private List<String> sortByPath(List<HttpCookie> cookies) {
        Collections.sort(cookies, new CookiePathComparator());

        List<String> cookieHeader = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
        for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {
            // Netscape cookie spec and RFC 2965 have different format of Cookie
            // header; RFC 2965 requires a leading $Version="1" string while Netscape
            // does not.
            // The workaround here is to add a $Version="1" string in advance
            if (cookies.indexOf(cookie) == 0 && cookie.getVersion() > 0) {

        return cookieHeader;

    static class CookiePathComparator implements Comparator<HttpCookie> {
        public int compare(HttpCookie c1, HttpCookie c2) {
            if (c1 == c2) return 0;
            if (c1 == null) return -1;
            if (c2 == null) return 1;

            // path rule only applies to the cookies with same name
            if (!c1.getName().equals(c2.getName())) return 0;

            // those with more specific Path attributes precede those with less specific
            if (c1.getPath().startsWith(c2.getPath()))
                return -1;
            else if (c2.getPath().startsWith(c1.getPath()))
                return 1;
                return 0;

Note that in my case I changed the default value of CookiePolicy to ACCEPT_ALL

2 In global scope, before running any threads, call:


3 When your thread is finished, call inside of it:


again: not my idea, just putting it together. All credit goes to Java and

3楼-- · 2019-01-14 15:04

You could install a CookieHandler which manages ThreadLocal CookieManager instances.

4楼-- · 2019-01-14 15:04

The ThreadLocal CookieStore by DavidBlackledge is imo the best way to go. For the sake of memory efficiency I'm providing here a simple implementation of a regular CookieStore so you don't have to instantiate a whole CookieManager for each thread (assuming you have more than just a few).

 * @author lidor
 * A simple implementation of CookieStore
public class CookieJar implements CookieStore {

private Map<URI, List<HttpCookie>> jar;
private List<HttpCookie> freeCookies;

public CookieJar() {
    jar = new HashMap<URI, List<HttpCookie>>();
    freeCookies = new ArrayList<HttpCookie>();

public void add(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
    if (uri != null) {
        if (!jar.containsKey(uri))
            jar.put(uri, new ArrayList<HttpCookie>());
        List<HttpCookie> cookies = jar.get(uri);
    } else {

public List<HttpCookie> get(URI uri) {
    Log.trace("CookieJar.get (" + this + ") called with URI " + uri + " (host=" + uri.getHost() + ")");
    List<HttpCookie> liveCookies = new ArrayList<HttpCookie>();
    if (jar.containsKey(uri)) {
        for (HttpCookie cookie : jar.get(uri)) {
            if (!cookie.hasExpired())
    for (HttpCookie cookie : getCookies()) {
        if (cookie.getDomain().equals(uri.getHost()))
            if (!liveCookies.contains(cookie))
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(liveCookies);

public List<HttpCookie> getCookies() {
    List<HttpCookie> liveCookies = new ArrayList<HttpCookie>();
    for (URI uri : jar.keySet())
        for (HttpCookie cookie : jar.get(uri)) {
            if (!cookie.hasExpired())
    for (HttpCookie cookie : freeCookies) {
        if (!cookie.hasExpired())
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(liveCookies);

public List<URI> getURIs() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<URI>(jar.keySet()));

public boolean remove(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
    if (jar.containsKey(uri)) {
        return jar.get(uri).remove(cookie);
    } else {
        return freeCookies.remove(cookie);

public boolean removeAll() {
    boolean ret = (jar.size() > 0) || (freeCookies.size() > 0);
    return ret;

So if you have this CookieJar then you can change the ms_cookieJars declaration to this:

private final static ThreadLocal<CookieStore> ms_cookieJars = new ThreadLocal<CookieStore>() {
        protected synchronized CookieStore initialValue() { 
            return new CookieJar();
5楼-- · 2019-01-14 15:05

Thanks, I tried to use your answer, but it was based on an old version of CookieManager (probably why you had to use ACCEPT_ALL) and referenced the package-private InMemoryCookieStore so it inspired me to the final solution. Should have been obvious to all of us before: a ThreadLocal CookieStore proxy class.

CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager(new ThreadLocalCookieStore(), null));


import java.util.List;

public class ThreadLocalCookieStore implements CookieStore {

    private final static ThreadLocal<CookieStore> ms_cookieJars = new ThreadLocal<CookieStore>() {
        protected synchronized CookieStore initialValue() {
            return (new CookieManager()).getCookieStore(); /*InMemoryCookieStore*/

    public void add(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
        ms_cookieJars.get().add(uri, cookie);

    public List<HttpCookie> get(URI uri) {
        return ms_cookieJars.get().get(uri);

    public List<HttpCookie> getCookies() {
        return ms_cookieJars.get().getCookies();

    public List<URI> getURIs() {
        return ms_cookieJars.get().getURIs();

    public boolean remove(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie) {
        return ms_cookieJars.get().remove(uri, cookie);

    public boolean removeAll() {
        return ms_cookieJars.get().removeAll();

Seems to be working like a charm for me

6楼-- · 2019-01-14 15:11

How about a ThreadLocal CookieManager? Same idea as some of the other answers but seems to require less code:

public class ThreadLocalCookies extends CookieManager {

    private static CookiePolicy s_policy = null;
    private static ThreadLocal<CookieManager> s_impl =
        new ThreadLocal<CookieManager>() {
            @Override protected CookieManager initialValue() {
                if (null == s_policy) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Call install() first");
                return new CookieManager(null, s_policy);

    public static void install() {

    public static void install(CookiePolicy policy) {
        s_policy = policy;
        CookieHandler.setDefault(new ThreadLocalCookies());

    public static void clear() {
        s_impl.set(new CookieManager(null, s_policy));

    public Map<String, List<String>>
    get(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders) 
    throws IOException {
        return s_impl.get().get(uri, requestHeaders);

    public void put(URI uri, Map<String,List<String>> responseHeaders)
    throws IOException {
        s_impl.get().put(uri, responseHeaders);
7楼-- · 2019-01-14 15:16

You can set a different path for the cookies. Thus it will not be overwritten.

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