How to search a column in a collection in mongodb with $in
which includes an array of elements for search and also caseInsensitive
matching of those elements in the column ?
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This works for me perfectly.
From code we can create custom query like this:
This will transform to following in mongo after query:
Same for "$nin".
Use $in with the match being case insensitive:
Data example:
And we want documents were "fieldX" is contained in any value of the array (optValues):
This works for $all either.
I hope this helps!
p.s.: This was my solution to search by tags in a web application.
You can use $elemMatch with regular expressions search, e.g. let's search for "blue" color in the following collection:
The way to do it in Java is:
Here is my case insensitive search (query) with multiple condition (regex) from data of array, I've used
but it doesn't support case insensitive search.Example Data
My query
This is pretty simple