By background, I mean none of the application's activities are currently visible to the user?
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It might be too late to answer but if somebody comes visiting then here is the solution I suggest, The reason(s) an app wants to know it's state of being in background or coming to foreground can be many, a few are, 1. To show toasts and notifications when the user is in BG. 2.To perform some tasks for the first time user comes from BG, like a poll, redraw etc.
The solution by Idolon and others takes care of the first part, but does not for the second. If there are multiple activities in your app, and the user is switching between them, then by the time you are in second activity, the visible flag will be false. So it cannot be used deterministically.
I did something what was suggested by CommonsWare, "If the Service determines that there are no activities visible, and it remains that way for some amount of time, stop the data transfer at the next logical stopping point."
The line in bold is important and this can be used to achieve second item. So what I do is once I get the onActivityPaused() , don not change the visible to false directly, instead have a timer of 3 seconds (that is the max that the next activity should be launched), and if there is not onActivityResumed() call in the next 3 seconds, change visible to false. Similarly in onActivityResumed() if there is a timer then I cancel it. To sum up,the visible becomes isAppInBackground.
Sorry cannot copy-paste the code...
Idolon's answer is error prone and much more complicated althought repeatead here check android application is in foreground or not? and here Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service
There is a much more simpler approach:
On a BaseActivity that all Activities extend:
Whenever you need to check if any of your application activities is in foreground just check
;To understand this approach check this answer of side-by-side activity lifecycle: Activity side-by-side lifecycle
Building on @Cornstalks answer to include a couple of useful features.
Extra features:
Activity gets paused when a Dialog comes above it so all the recommended solutions are half-solutions. You need to create hooks for dialogs as well.
I would like to recommend you to use another way to do this.
I guess you want to show start up screen while the program is starting, if it is already running in backend, don't show it.
Your application can continuously write current time to a specific file. While your application is starting, check the last timestamp, if current_time-last_time>the time range your specified for writing the latest time, it means your application is stopped, either killed by system or user himself.
Since it isn't already mentioned, I will suggest the readers to explore ProcessLifecycleOwner available through Android Architecture components