Sorry about the minimalistic title but I don't know how to describe it in short. I have three tables:
The table of groups
ID | Genre
1 | Action
2 | Adventure
3 | Drama
Many to many table
GroupID | ElementID
3 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 3
And the table of elements
ID | Element
1 | Pride and Prejudice
2 | Alice in Wonderland
3 | Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night Time
All is fine and very simple. The SELECT I am trying to achieve is the following
ID | Element | Genre
1 | Pride and Prejudice | Drama
2 | Alice in Wonderland | NULL
3 | Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night Time | Drama
I want to select all the elements from the table Elements and set the genre field to Drama or null.
I'm trying to do this in MySQL.
Thank you in advance
It's possible with this little trick (OUTER JOIN on the many-to-many table, with the constraint that the GroupID has to be 3 (for Drama)!2/b7c18/2
means : take all the lines from the tables that preceded (the ones that are on the LEFT hand side of theLEFT OUTER JOIN
, if you will), even if there's no lines corresponding to them in the following tables. The conditionON elements.ID = group_elements.ElementID AND group_elements.GroupID = 3
says that if we find anything that matches our ElementID, it also must be a drama (GroupID = 3). We then do another LEFT OUTER JOIN on the groups table, which enables us to display the Genre column, or NULL if the element was not a drama.