I need the configure file to transpile from C++ to JS, I'm trying to use emscripten in a project. Emscripten comes with a tool called emconfigure, that replaces the autoconf configure,
But the project I'm building uses cmake as build system and currently (Jan-12) emscripten has only support for autoconf - so I'm bypassing it by generating the configure and doing a port on the make, so there a way to create the configure file from the cmake ?? I'm not talking about the make files.. but the configure file itself.
yes cmake generates you the files you need to build the project depending on your target platform. however you need to write the CMakelist.txt's files for CMake by yourself or you have to get them from someone else. if emscripten has them and you have cmake installed, go to the root of your cource directory and launch cmake to see a list of arguments you can use
Yes, it can:
In your cmake file:
In fact, do not generate a "set", but you can use functions that do everything he does, as is the case of vereficação data types, vereficar headers and more.
Well, I'll go down a link to my project that contains all those functions. I suggest that a study of it, anything send me an email or something to take your questions.
Check too the /deps/cmake folder to view the functions created by us.
Cmake is a build system. It generates Makefiles. Look here for more information on that. But to answer your question briefly no, you cannot generate configure files with cmake.