I have an MSBuild command line that can build an entire solution. It looks something like this:
msbuild SomeSolution.sln /p:Configuration:CustomDebug;Platform=OurPlatform /nodeReuse:false /maxcpucount:4 /t:Build
I know that for C++ Solutions, specific projects can be targeted using the following syntax:
msbuild SomeSolution.sln /p:Configuration:CustomDebug;Platform=OurPlatform /nodeReuse:false /maxcpucount:4 /t:Folder\SomeCppProject;Build
I'm trying to achieve the same thing for .NET projects within a solution. This does NOT work:
msbuild SomeSolution.sln /p:Configuration:CustomDebug;Platform=OurPlatform /nodeReuse:false /maxcpucount:4 /t:SomeDotNetProject;Build
Does anyone know how to target a specific project within a solution using MSBuild on the command line for .NET projects? I know I can create a custom MSBuild project to achieve what I'm after, but I need to share the solution and projects with Visual Studio.
You can use the following commandline for building your project using msbuild from commandline
You'll need to specify any solution folders in the Visual Studio solution file, and replace any "." in the project name with "_":
msbuild SomeSolution.sln /p:Configuration:CustomDebug;Platform=OurPlatform /t:Folder\Project_Name
For example, if you have a project in the solution folder "Deploy" named "MyApplication.Deployment.csproj", you'll need
msbuild SomeSolution.sln /p:Configuration:CustomDebug;Platform=OurPlatform /t:Deploy\MyApplication_Deployment
Incidentially this is a solution folder, as displayed in Visual Studio, not a file system folder: those are ignored.
Invoke MSBuild on the project file instead of the solution file (ref.
msbuild /?