I would like to add a shared elements transition using the navigation architecture components, when navigating to an other fragment. But I have no idea how. Also in the documentations there is nothing about it. Can someone help me?
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I tested it. It is worked.
Since 1.0.0-alpha06 the navigation component supports adding shared element transitions between destinations. Just add FragmentNavigatorExtras to navigate() call. More details: https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-animate-transitions#shared-element
So let's say that you have two Fragments, FragmentSecond and FragmentThird. Both have ImageView with the same transitionName, let's say : "imageView"
Just define a normal action between these fragments.
In FragmentSecond, let's add our extras
So we're saying that we want to share that ImageView, with that transitionName, with ThirdFragment
And then in ThirdFragment :
The only thing that we have to do is load the image in the two fragments from the same URL. The URL can be passed between fragments using a Bundle Object and pass it in the navigate call or as a destination argument in the navigation graph.
If you need it, i am preparing a sample about Navigation and there's SharedElementTransition too :
I took reference from this github sample https://github.com/serbelga/android_navigation_shared_elements
It is working properly.
To make this work from a recyclerView's ImageView the setup everything like the following:
within the adapter this does the trick:
You don't have to specify the transition name within the adapter's item's xml but simply set it from code as soon as the item gets clicked.
The onClickedAction looks like:
and you pass it to your ViewHolder.
In the second Fragment you set the transition name to the ImageView in xml:
and assign the transition like
I was finally able to get this to work: On Fragment B:
Just make sure you have your transition names right in your views and you have NO entertTransition on Fragment B