Python LRU Cache Decorator Per Instance

2020-02-08 05:05发布

Using the LRU Cache decorator found here:

from lru_cache import lru_cache
class Test:
    def cached_method(self, x):
         return x + 5

I can create a decorated class method with this but it ends up creating a global cache that applies to all instances of class Test. However, my intent was to create a per instance cache. So if I were to instantiate 3 Tests, I would have 3 LRU caches rather than 1 LRU cache that for all 3 instances.

The only indication I have that this is happening is when calling the cache_info() on the different class instances decorated methods, they all return the same cache statistics (which is extremely unlikely to occur given they are being interacted with very different arguments):

CacheInfo(hits=8379, misses=759, maxsize=128, currsize=128)
CacheInfo(hits=8379, misses=759, maxsize=128, currsize=128)
CacheInfo(hits=8379, misses=759, maxsize=128, currsize=128)

Is there a decorator or trick that would allow me to easily cause this decorator to create a cache for each class instance?

2楼-- · 2020-02-08 05:44

These days, methodtools will work

from methodtools import lru_cache
class Test:
    def cached_method(self, x):
         return x + 5

You need to install methodtools

pip install methodtools

If you are still using py2, then functools32 also is required

pip install functools32
3楼-- · 2020-02-08 05:48

How about this: a function decorator that wraps the method with lru_cache the first time it's called on each instance?

def instance_method_lru_cache(*cache_args, **cache_kwargs):
    def cache_decorator(func):
        def cache_factory(self, *args, **kwargs):
            print('creating cache')
            instance_cache = lru_cache(*cache_args, **cache_kwargs)(func)
            instance_cache = instance_cache.__get__(self, self.__class__)
            setattr(self, func.__name__, instance_cache)
            return instance_cache(*args, **kwargs)
        return cache_factory
    return cache_decorator

Use it like this:

class Foo:
    def times_2(self, bar):
        return bar * 2

foo1 = Foo()
foo2 = Foo()

# creating cache
# 4
# 4

# creating cache
# 4
# 4

Here's a gist on GitHub with some inline documentation.

4楼-- · 2020-02-08 05:52

Assuming you don't want to modify the code (e.g., because you want to be able to just port to 3.3 and use the stdlib functools.lru_cache, or use functools32 out of PyPI instead of copying and pasting a recipe into your code), there's one obvious solution: Create a new decorated instance method with each instance.

class Test:
    def cached_method(self, x):
         return x + 5
    def __init__(self):
         self.cached_method = lru_cache(maxsize=16)(self.cached_method)
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