EF 5.0
I am working on a prototype to test hierarchyid and entity framework together. I have the following schema:
Create Table dbo.Employee
EmployeeId int identity not null,
Name nvarchar(100) not null,
Node hierarchyid not null,
NodePath as Node.ToString() persisted,
Level AS Node.GetLevel() persisted,
ManagerNode as Node.GetAncestor(1) persisted,
ManagerNodePath as Node.GetAncestor(1).ToString() persisted
Alter Table dbo.Employee
Add Constraint EmployeePK Primary Key NonClustered (EmployeeId);
--Enforce Hierarchy
Alter Table dbo.Employee
Add Constraint EmployeeManagerNodeNodeFK Foreign Key (ManagerNode) References Employee(Node);
Create Unique Clustered Index EmployeeDepthFirstIndex on dbo.Employee(Node);
Create NonClustered Index EmployeeBreathFirstIndex on dbo.Employee(Level, Node);
From my reading, the hierarchyid datatype isn't currently supported in EF, but some have suggested workarounds such as creating calculated columns (Node.ToString()) which I have done above.
Is there a way to setup EF so that it recognizes the Parent/Child relationship so I can effectively have a subordinates collection? e.g.
The only thing I can think of is to create a ManagerId column w/ a FK, but then I am effectively storing the hierarchy in two places.
Thanks for any help!
Using varbinary(892) instead of hierarchyid. EF recognizes varbinary returning byte array. You can convert byte array to SqlHierarchyid type and use hyrarchy pod functions. With this workaround you can use hierarchyid functions even in other databases. See http://www.casavillar.com.br/blog with more details and links to nugget and github where you will find samples including MySql
EF6 is now open source, so it is easy to add HierarcyID support. I have added it, too. You can download the modifed source and the complied/signed dlls from codeplex: http://entityframework.codeplex.com/SourceControl/network/forks/zgabi/efhierarchyidrc1 (sometimes the fork name changes) Or from NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EntityFrameworkWithHierarchyId/ Currenty EF6 is in RC1 state, but I'll merge the modifications to every later releases of EF6.
I have the following model:
Generated database:
Example to get the child nodes of Emp1 employee: