Does anybody know how to combine jQuery UI selectable and sortable ? This script: doesn't work in Chrome and it also has plugin modifications.
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If you want to select multiple elements and MOVE THEM ALL to another list, this fiddle works well:
This was modified from the example at thanks to Piero Mori.
This is as much as i can give u :) but the idea is there. its not alllll complete but hopefully u can play about with the values and see how it goes from there :)
Just found this very easy solution from rdworth:
See: this fiddle.
Part of my jQuery base-arsenal includes the following, as it's usually annoying when you go to drag something and end up selecting text instead...
Not sure if you can just flip the "disable" to "enable", but there's my $.02. Without trying it though.. common sense suggests that you may need to define an inactive section within the same "group" element, to provide a "handle" for the drag action.... or else those clicks may relentlessly be mistaken as the intent to select/edit...
Try this. You can use
Ctrl + Click
for multi select and sorting