I have two tables tour_foreign
in database and want merger this two table together that get output from PHP code as following example:
My tables and values it:
I want get as output tour_foreign.id = tour_foreign_residence.relation
One-week tour of Istanbul_1 | 88888 & 99999 $ 112233 $ 445566 | Three nights and two days | 15:29
One-week tour of Istanbul_2 | 55555 & 66666 $ 77777 | Three nights and two days | 12:03
One-week tour of Istanbul_3 | 11111 & 22222 $ 33333 $ 44444 | Three nights and two days | 12:03
My try is this but it don't give to me what that I want in above:
$this -> db -> query("
@rownum := @rownum + 1 rownum,
FROM tour_foreign
INNER JOIN tour_foreign_residence
ON ( tour_foreign.id = tour_foreign_residence.relation )
JOIN (SELECT @rownum := 0) r
WHERE tour_foreign.name LIKE "%' . $find . '%"
OR tour_foreign_residence.name_re LIKE "%' . $find . '%"
How can fix it?
Try using GROUP_CONCAT() to join the names from you tour_foreign_residence table
Not sure why you are joining on @rownum, it might be messing with your result set. Try taking it out and see if it works.
Your inner join looks ok, except I have never seen it with the wrapped parens, but I suspect it will work as expected. To test your query you could remove the complicated where clause and just put something like where tour_foreign.id = 1.
Something like:
I implemented aliases for your longer table names (tf, and tfr) as they are easier to work with.