I have been struggling to send text from my app to Twitter.
The code below works to bring up a list of apps such as Bluetooth, Gmail, Facebook and Twitter, but when I select Twitter it doesn't prefill the text as I would have expected.
I know that there are issues around doing this with Facebook, but I must be doing something wrong for it to not be working with Twitter.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Example Text");
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Share Text"));
For sharing text and image on Twitter, more controlled version of code is below, you can add more methods for sharing with WhatsApp, Facebook ... This is for official App and does not open browser if app not exists.
For getting Uri from File, use below class:
For writing FileProvider, use this link: https://github.com/codepath/android_guides/wiki/Sharing-Content-with-Intents
I'm using this snippet on my code:
Hope it helps.
you can simply open the URL with the text and Twitter App will do it. ;)
and it will also open the browser to login at the tweet if twitter app is not found.
First you have to check if the twitter app installed on the device or not then share the text on twitter:
Try this, I used it and worked great