Many, many Android discussions focus on the (apparently, famous) Fingerpaint sample:
Where do I get it, to use with Android Studio? .. 2014
Or is it now just completely out of date and legacy? Thanks for any info
Android Studio: it has NO folders, samples/ or the like............
There's a possibility the beloved SDK Manager, on Mac - Studio, could help?
Would I have to go with the API11 folder?
The Android page does not seem to show Fingerpaint: here's what I see
Looking in each category, there is no Fingerpaint....
On a Mac, I did manage to download API11 Samples using the beloved ADKManager. Incerdibly, on Mac they are deeply hidden inside a package (screw Macs!) But that "sample" is not there...sad
I found it! Thanks to Golem and Raghunandan
It is incredibly hard to find it on a Mac. Use SDKManager to download API11Samples.
Next you have to on a Mac "package contents" the Studio app itself,
and drill way down. try "ApiDemos"
I simply don't know if this is the latest version of the file.
Here is the whole file...
for any Mac users, to save you time:
As far as I know this is the latest version. Please also see the outstanding discussion at
the entire file (as far as I know that is the whole sample:)
THIS IS FROM SDK11, 17 or 19:
I CAREFULLY CHECKED AND THE FILE IS IDENTICAL in 11,17,19. Hope it helps someone.