I have a node that can contain either text or xml, text + xml or text + xml + text. The first two cases i have solved using
public XmlElement[] TextNodes { get; set; }
public string InnerText { get; set; }
public string Text
return String.Format("{0}{1}", InnerText, TextNodes.Aggregate(String.Empty, (current, documentNode) => current + documentNode.OuterXml));
However, the last case where there is text after the xml I cant find a solution for.
somtext <p>moretext</p> even more text
my code will give output in Text as:
sometext <p>moretext</p>
I need:
sometext <p>moretext</p> even more text
you have to use CDATA - because the tags <> will break the XML-Structure use CDATA or encode your string (maybe b64)
take a look here:
I think your code should look something like this after:
What you want is called mixed content and is supported in the XmlSerializer.
write your class like this
and put all the elements in the same object array